Arduino wire EDM usage demonstration

Here I’m doing a full operation from sending a G code file to the controller to having a finished part in your hand. I usually do jewelry stuff from photos, so I use Inkscape to get me a vector graphics outline, then use MasterCAM at my workplace to make a 2D tool path for a milling machine and then just send that file as is to the Arduino controller over the USB serial link.

Once the Arduino has received and saved the file to its internal SD card, you can then fill the work tank, select the file you want to execute and hit go.

All in all a very simple machine, though it still has some hiccups in the UI dialogs and also a small programming error in the G code interpreter (first G0 has to be removed or it drives to X0 Y0 first), but not bad for my first prototype wire EDM 🙂 In the future I’m hoping to have a large touch screen interface with simulation capabilities, real time tracking and fully automatic system controls in place. But that takes time and money, so stay tuned.

For any comments, ideas and such I’m available at as usual.

Edit to add: LCD is now working fine, added 100 nF ceramic cap and 470 uF electrolytic next to the LCD connectors and tested twice with this same cut program without any issues. So it was exactly the problem as user EngineSpecs wrote, that the LCD is glitching due to supply issues.


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