$40,000 for THIS? (New Centroid CNC Milling Machine)

Delivery of a Centroid-based CNC Milling machine today.

After a boat-load of back-and-forth, deliberating and intensive thinking and consideration …I decided this particular machine was the best “next step” for my business.

It’s a conversational milling machine with both manual and full-cnc capabilities as well.

The iron is Taiwanese and the Centroid controller is USA. The iron, from what I can tell, is a very good and not some el-cheapo thing. The brand of this machine is “TopOne” or something like that …but, it’s somewhat irrelevant, because this brand (and a whole load of other similar brands) are made by the same HUGE company in Taiwan.

Going to be an interesting learning curve in this little beast.

TITANIUM High-end stuff I design, make and sell

Won’t Let Me Down by Andrew Applepie


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