How to build an automated robotic CNC manufacturing cell

An introduction on how to automate your CNC manufacturing process.

Renishaw worked with Fanuc and Star CNC to automate their turning process into a fully automated robotic cell, using a Fanuc robot arm to load and unload the machine, and a Renishaw Equator™ gauging system to enable process control.

Benefits of using an automated manufacturing process include lower labour costs, meaning that your skilled staff (who are in high demand) can be used for other productive tasks. The second benefit is unattended operation, so machines can run overnight, 24/7 whilst your skilled staff are doing 1 shift a day.

When a cell is programmable, manufacturers can also increase capacity, with a flexible solution that can be re-tasked if production needs to change.

In a traditional manufacturing process, manual gauging and then manually updating the process variables such as tool offsets on the machine tool controller are the norm. With the Equator gauging system, manufacturers can automate process updates to automatically compensate for any drift in machine performance.

Renishaw has expertise in process control and in end-to-end automation – working with machine suppliers and robot suppliers to give manufacturers a fully automated solution.
Find out how you can introduce automation into your CNC turning process.


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