ST-55 Cutting Demo – Haas Automation CNC Lathe Turning

Do you need heavy cutting ability and serious rigidity in a large-bore turning center? Then Haas Automation’s ST-50 and ST-55 turning centers should fit the bill.

In this demo, we start with a workpiece weighing in at 2000 pounds! Starting with roughing cuts at 0.25″ DOC and 0.025″ per rev, we’re removing lots of material quickly. Even while profiling the curved surfaces, the button tool is taking a good-sized cut, with a 0.112″ stepover and 0.050″ per rev following a dynamic toolpath. And by the time we’re done, we’ve removed more than 800 pounds of steel!

80 inches of Z, a 55 hp spindle, a 2-speed gearbox, twin-chuck capability, and a massive 12-station BOT turret give you lots of options for turning the big stuff.

If you need this kind of productivity, look into what the Haas ST-50 and ST-55 can do for your heavy turning work.


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