CNC Vertical Machining Centers

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CNC Vertical Machining Centers

Haas VF-1 CNC Vertical Machining Center

Get a quote now at Haas 32-Bit CNC Control, 10,000 RPM Direct Drive Spindle, 20 Station Carousel Tool Changer, Rigid Tapping, Programmable Coolant Nozzle, Visual Quick Code Programming, 16 MB Memory, 20 HP Spindle Motor, High Intensity Lighting, Remote Jog Handle, Chip Auger, Coolant System and Tank, Manuals source

CNC Vertical Machining Centers

Haas VF 11/50 CNC Vertical Machining Center

6949 – Haas VF 11/50 CNC Vertical Machining Center To learn more, or to request a quote about this and other available machines, visit Equipped with: Haas CNC Control with Coldfire Processor, 4th Axis Brushless Drive, 300 PSI Thru Spindle Coolant, Programmable Coolant, 95 Gallon Coolant Tank, 30 Station Side Mount Twin-Arm Tool Changer,

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